Press Release

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T1 E1 Network Test Solution Capabilities

Gaithersburg, Maryland, USA - November 02, 2023 - GL Communications Inc., a global leader in telecom test and measurement solutions, addressed the press regarding their tProbe™ - T1 E1 VF Serial Data Analysis and Emulation hardware. Its compact design, portability, and remote accessibility features make it suitable for field testing, monitoring, and troubleshooting network conditions on legacy networks.


“GL's tProbe™ is a test and measurement device for T1 E1 networks. It is portable, remotely accessible and contains a vast collection of applications. The tProbe™ can monitor and emulate common voice protocols including ISDN, SS7, CAS, etc. The tProbe™ also includes optional boards such as Datacom (DCE or DTE) and FXO FXS ports. The FXO port on the tProbe™ can simulate a two-wire FXO device such as a telephone or a fax machine” said Vijay Kulkarni, CEO of GL Communications.

The tProbe™ Datacom Analyzer is designed for the installation, verification, and maintenance of data communication and telecom equipment. It offers a software-selectable interface for emulating DTE and DCE, as well as monitoring data communication lines for both synchronous (sync) and asynchronous (async) modes of operation.

GL's Windows Client/Server (WCS) software allows T1 E1 analysis and emulation cards with remote operation, automation, and multi-site connectivity capabilities. The supported client is Python, and it can run on various operating systems, including Unix, Linux, and Windows®.

Additionally, the, Windows/Linux Client (WLC) is a Command Line Interface application. It sends commands to T1 E1 WCS servers and shows the responses in Console, PowerShell, or Terminal Windows. WLC functions in both Windows and Linux. Furthermore, it can be utilized on any operating system through SSH or another remote access terminal. WLC is a portable library for communication between Windows®/Linux clients and WCS servers, ensuring compatibility.

The tProbe™ is controlled by a Windows® PC via a USB connection. Customers often request a complete solution in which the PC is included. GL offers the 1U Rackmount enclosure or a Probe unit, each with an embedded PC.

Main Features

  • Available with Dual T1 or E1, FXO, FXS, DTE and DCE interfaces
  • Bit Error Rate Testing over all timeslots. Inject traffic including tones, digits and audio
  • Emulation and monitoring of Telecom Protocols: ISDN, SS1, SS7, CAS, HDLC, Frame Relay, GSM, PPP, etc.
  • Record and Playback traffic
  • Easy-to-use Graphical User Interface
  • Supports Python scripting for remote operation and automation
  • Pulse Shape Analysis, Jitter and Delay measurements
  • Intrusive and non-intrusive analysis
  • Enhanced VF Drop and VF Insert capabilities (including 3.5 mm or Bantam physical connection options)
  • Emulate FXO and FXS ports. The FXO port is used to simulate a two-wire FXO device such as a telephone or a fax machine. The FXS port is used to simulate a 2-wire FXS service such as a telephone wall jack
  • Datacom board supports V.24, V.35, V.36, RS-449, RS-485, EIA-530, and EIA-530A interfaces and can be configured as DTE or DCE to test Channel Service Unit (CSU) and Data Service Unit (DSU) entities
  • Physical layer analysis includes the ability to send alarms and errors via SNMP Traps
  • Lightweight (1.24 lbs) and small footprint (6.05" x 5.55" x 1.60")
  • Routing and Bridging emulation over Multi T1 E1 WAN interfaces using MLPPP (Multi Link PPP) and Multi Link Frame relay (MFR) protocols
  • Call Recording, generation, and monitoring for hundreds to thousands of calls in one platform
  • Capable of simulating as well as decoding and demodulating fax calls over T1 E1 lines using Fax Simulator and FaxScan™
  • Cross-port Through and Cross-port Transmit modes configurations make cabling with Drop/Insert and Fail-Safe Inline monitoring easy

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